Common Challenges Faced by CPAs and How to Overcome Them

As technology and globalization are transforming business operations at a rapid pace, more and more accounting firms and CPAs are turning to outsource certain tasks and processes to specialized outsourcing companies. 

While outsourcing of accounting services promises benefits like reduced costs, access to specialized skills and resources, and greater flexibility, it also brings along particular challenges that need to be addressed carefully. In this article, we will discuss some of the common challenges faced by CPAs and accounting firms when they outsource accounting work and how they can be overcome.

Challenges faced by CPAs and accounting firms when outsourcing

Challenges faced by CPAs

1. Communication Issues

One of the major challenges that Accounting outsourcing can pose is communication issues between the accounting firm and the outsourcing vendor due to distance, time zone differences, and cultural barriers. As the outsourced work is now being handled by another company in a different location, effective communication becomes essential to ensure quality work and on-time deliverables and to address any issues promptly. Miscommunication can lead to delays, errors, or dissatisfaction.

Accounting firms need to establish clear communication protocols right from the beginning. They should decide on the appropriate tools, frequency of communication, and designated points of contact. Using collaborative online project management platforms and video conferencing tools can help bridge the communication gaps. 

Frequent status reports and updates through emails or project management software will ensure tasks are on track. Unresolved issues should be addressed immediately instead of allowing them to pile up. With proper communication norms established upfront, the challenges arising from geographical separation can be mitigated.

2. Quality Control Issues

Maintaining consistency and quality levels when work is handled outside can also be testing. When accounting tasks like bookkeeping, payroll processing, or tax filing are outsourced, it becomes difficult for firms to closely monitor the work and ensure it meets their quality standards at all times. They lose direct oversight over work procedures and documentation. This may result in discrepancies, errors, or delays in Spotting and fixing issues.

CPAs should implement robust quality control systems like setting detailed documentation protocols, periodic audits of outsourced work, tracking turnaround times with Service level agreements, and benchmarking quality metrics. Training and orientations for outsourcing vendor staff will help them understand client expectations better. 

Accounting firms also need to be clear about deliverables by providing style guides and templates. Establishing escalation procedures for redressal of issues will assure timely remedy of quality-related problems. With the proper monitoring systems, the quality of outsourced work can be kept on par with in-house resources.

3.Data Security Challenges

In today’s fast-evolving technology landscape, data security should be the top priority for any organization dealing with financial and client information. However, Bookkeeping outsourcing increases inherent risks to data privacy and protection as sensitive information now moves outside the traditional internal firewalls. 

There can be security breaches, data theft, or unauthorized access at the outsourcing vendor’s end. This poses serious reputational and compliance threats to accounting firms.

Therefore, data security vetting of outsourcing partners becomes extremely important. Firms must do thorough due diligence on vendor infrastructures, technologies, policies, and certifications. Legally binding security clauses must be included in contracts regarding access controls, encryption protocols, and incident response plans. 

Ongoing security audits of outsourcing environments will ensure protocols are followed. Accounting professionals should also educate clients about data protection under outsourcing accounting services to avoid trust deficit issues. Taking a proactive security-first approach helps address what is often the top concern associated with outsourcing critical functions.

4.People Management Hurdles

One cannot overlook challenges in managing human resources involved in outsourced operations. These include high attrition rates, lack of expertise, cultural fit issues, or lack of dedication to work. 

When work is outsourced overseas, there can also be issues like language barriers, nuanced professional conduct, or lack of in-depth domain knowledge over the long run. All this may compromise output quality and efficiency gains expected from outsourcing.

Vendor screening and hiring stringent criteria can help select the best talent. Frequent training needs to be imparted to keep their skills updated. Awards and incentives can boost motivation levels. 

Exit interviews of departing staff should be conducted to address issues early. Firms should also provide clear career paths with outsourcing partners to retain top performers. 

Proper documentation and frequent knowledge transfers ensure a seamless transition during staff changes. Introducing governance metrics on human capital strengthens the people management process in outsourcing.

5.Overcoming Technological Dependence

While technological advantages are a crucial reason to outsource, complete reliance on outsourcing vendors for specialized technology expertise or platforms may become an issue. 

What if the vendor shuts down or cannot support software anymore? Accounting firms need to avoid scenarios where they lack control over critical technologies due to outsourcing.

It is prudent not to outsource technical capabilities and upgrade skills regularly. Redundancy plans should be in place to prevent single points of failure. Access to source code, documentation, and escrow agreements ensures continuity. Firms must have in-house expertise to coordinate outsourced operations and assume work internally when required. 

Cross-training staff enhances flexibility. Selecting financially stable vendors and investing in research & development helps future-proof solutions. With the proper safeguards, technology dependencies arising from outsourcing can be alleviated.

process of outsourcing accounting

6.Managing Contractual Requirements

When work is outsourced, service level agreements (SLAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) need to be established formally through contracts/legal agreements to ensure expectations are clear on both sides. However, enforcing contractual obligations can pose difficulties at times. There may be discrepancies over performance targets, delays in deliverables, or disputes on payments.

Accounting firms must involve legal experts while drafting agreements and conducting thorough negotiations. Contracts should specify penalties for non-compliance, change provisions if requirements evolve, and terms of termination if needed. 

Firms also need to regularly track vendor performance against SLA/KPI metrics and address deviations promptly through defined escalation processes to avoid disputes later. Clear contracts and strong governance minimize risks arising from contractual complexities in outsourcing.

Wrapping Up

While account outsourcing delivers operational and financial wins, it also presents challenges on multiple fronts, like communication, quality, security, people, and technology, if not implemented carefully. 

However, these challenges can be effectively overcome with strategic, tactical, and process planning. Outsourcing, when governed by the right frameworks, is a sustainable business model that allows accounting experts to focus on higher value core services of their clients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1: Why should accounting firms and CPAs outsource bookkeeping services to India?

Ans 1: Outsourcing bookkeeping services to India can result in significant cost savings for CPAs and accounting firms. India has far cheaper labour rates than the US, where companies can save up to 60% on expenses. This means that businesses that outsource their bookkeeping duties to India can save a significant amount of money.

Q.2: What do accounting firms outsource?

Ans 2: All of the business’s financial activities, such as bookkeeping, payroll, financial reporting, management accounting, taxation, accounts payable, accounts receivable, debtor follow-up calls, and other account-related services, are managed by outsourced accountants.

Q. 3 When should you outsource accounting?

Ans 3: A company needs more than just bookkeeping when its owner cannot keep participating in every part of it. Most bookkeepers are confined to handling basic financial statements, bank account reconciliation, payroll, deposits, sales taxes, and invoices.

Q.4: What is the process of outsourcing accounting?

Ans 4: The process of outsourcing accounting can be finished in five steps: determining your firm’s primary motivations for outsourcing, picking the best outsourcing partner, deciding on the most appropriate approach, involving your local team in your plan, and creating an outsourcing implementation plan.

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Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma is an expert in U.S. tax regulations with over a decade of experience in the field. His in-depth knowledge of the American tax system has made him a go-to resource for individuals and businesses seeking to navigate complex tax landscapes.